20 October, 2007

How to Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight.

Quit Smoking Without Gaining WeightMany people, especially women, are afraid of quitting smoking, just because they are even more afraid of putting on weight. This is a myth. Nobody can be sure of what will happen. Some people's weight does not change at all; some gain a few kilos, while the others lose. The average weight increase is between 3 and 5 kilos a year; and only 3% have given up smoking and gained more than 10 kilos.

First of all, this is due to the fact that almost all smokers developed gastritis because of tobacco intoxication. Most of it is virtually asymptomatic, but digestive juice secretion gradually reduces because of gastric mucosal atrophy, which leads to worse digestion of nutrients.

This is why many smokers may even acquire full nutritional deficit asthenia, and simply - thinness, whiteness and beriberi. But as soon as they give up smoking, gastric mucosal is restored in a few days, as well as digestive juice secretion.

Smoking quitters not only feel increased appetite, but their stomach is beginning to absorb food. All of this creates conditions for the weight increase.

To avoid this, at the early stages of smoking quitting the diet should have large proportion of vegetables and fruit, add up fluids and be supplemented with physical exercises. The diet may take a few weeks of 4-5 times small-portion meals a day.

Eat slowly and carefully chew the food, you can enjoy not the quantity, but the quality and taste of the food. After swallowing, make a little pause. In a month of your body will adapt to the new conditions, and you can return to the old diet without risk to gain weight.

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