21 October, 2007

How to Quit Smoking through Diet

Quit Smoking through DietIt is believed that the sudden withdrawal of smoking can lead to illness. This is wrong. Waiver of poison never harmless. And if you decide to take this step, the final defeat harmful habit you can help some foods, vegetables and herbs.

Distributed by the view that after smoking cessation people fullness. Indeed, in the first week of a possible increase in weight by reducing the activity of the general exchange, in the future, all this is restored. During this period milk-vegetables advisable to switch to diet and increase the engine load.

Is it possible to restore the health infringed smoking, save person from the risk of diseases caused by tobacco consumption systematic?

Yes. Numerous observations indicate that in a few years' exposure to smoke from the drop-outs are not larger than those who have never smoked. It is therefore an important method of combating tobacco-make negative attitude to this harmful habit.

When an autonomous decision to stop smoking at the preparatory stage, use psychological experiments, which will facilitate the withdrawal from smoking:
  1. Consider every cigarette you smoked; To that end, write the time and date when it was smoked out;
  2. The time in which you are accustomed smoked out cigarettes, Move the first 30 minutes, then perhaps a longer period (one hour, two, three);
  3. Instead of smoke cigarettes in an easy chair (on the sofa) smoke on the stairs, on the street, painful environment;
  4. Do not buy more than one or two cigarettes at the same time, changing their daily class, turning to the less robust;
  5. Bring in a glass bank or ash tray cigarette butts, smoked out the day that their observe throughout homeliness and harmfulness to establish in the body;
  6. Two or three times a day instead of cigarettes smoke use chew gum, eat apple or carrot or just walk foot fresh air;
  7. The evening before the day you deliberately assigned a final farewell to remove ash tray with smoking cigarette, before sleeping let personal vow never tomorrow in life is not to make any tightening environmental tobacco smoke.
Day smoking cessation, especially psychologically, it is important to make a pleasant and memorable holiday. To that end, you might organize a picnic with friends in nature.

In trying to overcome any situation suddenly emerged reflex use chew gum, chewing raw vegetables, vegetable or fruit trick (fruit) juice; If you choose to make a few whiffs do physical movements (squatting, run, torso bending).

Various medications, including borrowed from the experience of traditional medicine, based on the formulation of a conditional reflex aversion to tobacco.

2 tbsp crushed grains cereal fill a glass of boiled water, boil for 5 minutes on slow-fire, Infuse 1 hour. Take siff decoction and 1/3 cup three times a day before eating for a period of 3-4 weeks.

a canteen spoon-leaf eucalyptus fill two cups of boiled water, insist 1:00; in strained nastoy add to a dining room spoons of honey and glycerol. Take 1/4 cup of 7 times per day during 3-4 weeks.

a canteen spoon-graded root wood coils (Highlander snake), fill a glass of boiled water, in addition to the slow boil for 2-3 minutes flames. Insist over 40-50 minutes. The sift extract cavity mouth rinse each time before urge to smoke. It appears nausea and vomiting reflex, aversion to produce tobacco.

- In order to reduce the demand for smoking could be recommended mouthwash 1-2% aqueous solution of tannin.

To smoking cessation of useful two-year twig cherry chop into small (3-5 mm) and pieces before smoke, to chew and cough. The effect comes through 10-12 days.

You can cut root wood condition marsh chewed and then swallowed before a desire to smoke. A positive result will come through one and a half, two weeks.

In the most difficult transported to a former smoker days (first, second and third) is not recommended to use alcohol, salting, smoked pork, the meat.

Better to drink anti smoking tea, consisting of 1 tsp leaf tea (best Indian or Ceylon), brewing tea in two cups of boiled water, which should be added to 0,5 tsp crushed chicory roots and herbs simple drug, alcohol nettle leaves, pepper mint and fines herbs.

After defending one hour sedimentation and filtering through strainer take on 1/2 cups 2-3 times a day. To strengthen anti smoking effect peculiar to herb water add "spice" - a canteen spoon crushed raw beets, a tea spoon of honey, the juice of one lemon. Mix the mixture thoroughly, and a dessert spoon "spice" to add a glass of tea.

To smoking cessation of using cod liver oil: 1 tea cod liver oil on bread cloth towels. Take 1-2 times daily for one month.

- In order to formulate a negative reflex to smoke recommended such a people's way: burnt to ash any bird feathers add tenth of drinking soda, a mixture Add in Smoking tobacco.

In severe cases, not adjusting to a smoking can be effective honey. Morning, when the desire to smoke, should take a canteen spoon of honey; But after 10 minutes, a glass of hot milk or eucalyptus orchards. During the day, the procedure can be repeated several times.

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